About Me

Hello! Thank you for stopping by!

I’m Jee, a book blogger, lover, reader, hoarder, author-stalker, who lives on books (and COFFEE!). HookedOnBookz is my blog page where I share mainly book reviews and author interviews. I read physical and e-books, AND also loan books from the local library, both physical and electronic. If I love a book I loaned, I’d end up buying them too! When I’m not reading, my day is revolved around the kids & the household.

Kavita, if you’re reading this, Hooked On Bookz happened because of you THANK YOU! I started this blog in 2007 (Yes, a LOOOOONG time ago!) knowing nothing, but writing book reviews, with books generously provided by Kavita & the publisher she was working with, which then led to author interviews and more books on my shelves. I’ve been writing since then, took some breaks on & off, and came back again and again. I won’t stop writing book reviews and interviewing authors (when I have the chance). Reviewing books help me recall the books I’ve read, given I have such short term memory! Having a blog also allows me to get to know other book lovers and share my love for literary with them too.

If you’re reading this, please tell me something about you, and leave a link to your blog! I’ll stop by 🙂

Till then, thank you for reading and stopping by! Happy reading!